Monday, May 31, 2010

Week 30: And you can quote me on that

Oscar Wilde once said 'London society is full of women of the very highest birth who have, of their own free choice, remained thirty-five for years'.

This week's challenge is to inspire others with your own poetic wisdom. Write a quote which best encapsulates your city's charms or otherwise.

Gem x

Week 29: Me me me

While Will was cycling round the beautiful lake of Loweswater I was held up in the local pub reading the paper. My bottom was so sore I couldn't go with him but I relished the time to myself where I caught up on the news from around the globe.

Gems xx

Monday, May 24, 2010

Week 29: no boys allowed

....and, because my video-wielding skills are so poor, a supplementary picture:

Love, ali x

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week 29: I want to be alone

Last week was all about "the lads", bless their cotton socks. This week must be ONLY about you. You must go on a hot date, with yourself. No boys allowed - nobody at all allowed, in fact. Be brave and alone, like Carrie from Sex and the City in that episode where she finally plucks up the courage to go out for a meal by herself, WITHOUT EVEN her sunglasses or a book to hide behind (....just try not to be as idiotically neurotic as she is).


Week 28: Comic geek chic

Should it be cause for great concern that the prospect of sharing some of Tom's most loved pastimes did not fill me with joy? The premier league, computer games, and comic books are three things that I have learned to live my 26 years without, and I feel I've done ok. But this week, in the name of the blog, I dipped my toe into the fantastical misogynistic adventures of Conan the Barbarian (I'm not being offensive, that's his real name).

As you can see, I was not impressed enough by his graphic tales of barbarianism to convert to comic geek status (from my regular, non-comic reading geek status). But I shall not lose hope; a common interest that we can enjoy together can't be too hard to find. There's always ballroom dancing.*

Love ali x

*shoot me first.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Week 28: Player two has entered the game

This week I consulted my No. 2 as to what he felt was an apt way to achieve this challenge. He gave me three options 1 - Go on a bike ride with him (in London are you kidding me? I value the use of my legs thank you very much), 2 - Brave the Finsbury Park council gym (at the moment I am cultivating a very cute and cuddly tummy, I didn't want to be steered off track so I respectfully declined and 3 - To join him in playing his new computer game 'Batman: Arkham Asylum' to which I accepted and kicked his royal ass, grrr. I believe Tom would have approved.

Player two has now left the game...

... and may I add thank god.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Week 27: too little, too late

Summary Report
Item Number Origin Destination Event
EA011852830AU AUSTRALIA UNITED KINGDOM Your item was delivered - UNITED KINGDOM at 10:49 on 07 May 2010.

This is an excerpt from the online tracking report of my Express Courier-ed ballot paper. Arriving in the UK at 10.49 on 7th May 2010, it never stood a chance. And now look where we are - on the verge of a Tory/Lib Dem coalition of doom.

I JUST WANTED TO HAVE A VOICE. But I was silenced.

Yours, silently,

Ali x

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Week 28: How the other half live

This week the challenge is to try and bridge the divide between you and your partner's interests. Join in something they love even if you have always thought it juvenile, indulge in some extra curricula activity of his choice even though you deem it boring. It's good to share and it's even better to do something for the one you love.

Gem x

Week 27: Islington North

Well I exercised my democratic right and voted Liberal Democrats for the first time ever however we got the same old Labour councillor spinning the same old rhetoric.

It was an exciting episode although I'm now watch the enfolding events with trepidation.

Gem xx

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Week 27: women of Britain, take up your votes!

This week's challenge is simple (if you happen to live in the UK). Just vote in Thursday's general election, and persuade everyone you know to do the same.

Without wishing to sound too zealous, I didn't realise how much I valued my right to vote until I realised that I might not be able to use it (though I realise this is through my own choice to be living abroad, of course).

I will fulfil the challenge as best as I can from here, perhaps by casting a text vote in "Australia's Got Talent" or some other worthy contest.

Love, ali x

Week 26: What the F?*K???

First of all I would like to bloody apologise for my arsing late blog entry. No excuses I am just shite but in case you didn't realise I gave up swearing for the week which was actually pissing hard.
Here is me venting but without the expletives!!
Gem xxx
P.S. Don't worry I am now back to using bad language and inappropriate swearing at strangers!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week 26: status update - Ali is giving up Facebook

Despite my initial misgivings, this challenge turned out to be a walk in the park. After all, I've already had to give up so many of my favourite things (cigarettes, Gem) that one more temporary denial couldn't hurt too much.

So I took the plunge and gave up Facebook for the week. Being an assiduous Facebook checker/stalker, this left me with literally MOMENTS of spare time every day, which I mostly spent browsing the pre-election coverage, and getting depressed about it. I am looking forward to some soothing Facebook indulgence this morning, to take my mind off the potential awfulness of an imminent Conservative Government.

Love, ali x