This week's challenge requires some background, for our dear reader(s) out there. By sheer good fortune, my impending trip back to the UK happens to coincide with THE social event of the Broughty Ferry calendar year i.e. P in the P. For the uninitiated, P in the P is an annual (debauched) celebration of all things Parkinsonian, this year even more so than usual, since the Parkinson matriach has reached the grand milestone of 60 years of age, and we all shall celebrate!
There is a fancy dress theme for this year's bash, and everyone must come dressed as something beginning with the letter P. So, this week's challenge is for each of us to come up with a costume suggestion for the other. The well-prepared among us have already planned their P-themed outfit (Gem), but they still must incorporate some element of what they are challenged. Be nice, people!

Love, ali x