...lived a girl called Gemma who loved to dress up even when there wasn't a challenge bestowed at her feet.
As you so rightly pointed out, this was tricky, but actually it worked to my advantage. Each morning there was no moral dilemma, no agonising decision about what to wear, it allowed me to filter and distill thus making my first job of the day a no-brainer, pow!
Apart from that it did serve to fan my ego as I pranced around in front of Will each morning waiting for the 'perfect shot'. Poor Will, I think he started to enjoy himself by the end of it, 'yeah, work it, uh-huh, right there, you look great, give it to me'. Anyhoo, skipping to the end, it was a bleedin' marvelous experience and it made me think of you every day, what you would be wearing and what new tricks you might have up your sleeve. I totally loved the vid by the way, you certainly stepped up to the play, my god women, did you buy some software for that little piece of art? Suffice to say it was awesome, I was looking forward to it all week.
Can't wait to see you on Wednesday.
Love Gem, just call me the pot of gold, Parkinson
P.S. What is the challenge for this week bucko?